Vladimir Zhukov's personal website

Vladimir Zhukov

Business, IT, personal development

Job search as a preparation for a competition

Job search as a preparation for a competition

In this article I decided to speculate a bit about job and job searching and make some comparisons between job search and participation in competitions. The fact that I recommend very many friends and acquaintances before they start looking for a job the first thing to work on you: read more, learn something new, exercise, develop, and improve their skills. But they argue and say that it is all in the second, third and so on, because the first thing is to find a job and it will give some freedom. However, I fundamentally disagree with this approach; in this way a person will never be able to find a job he/she wants to find.

Imagine an athlete who did not have any training, spent time somewhere, none heard about him for a few years. And suddenly this man appears before the competition and says "I will participate in!". Naturally, the competition organizers will not allow him to participate, but this man will try himself at various competitions and offer his candidacy, while not developing and exercising. Is it reasonable to do so? I think not. If this person starts to train hard, run the stadiums, consult with the coaches, chat with other athletes - yes, he will be observed and invited to the following competitions. In what way a given example by me is different from real life? Why, instead of working on ourselves, promotion own behalf, learning new knowledge, you go to interviews and spend hours every day of your life on the job search?

Life is a very fair mechanism, each receives result based on how much he/she has invested, and how much qualitative and effective were these investments. A person can only put three resources - time, energy, and thought. I recommend investing these resources not in watching TV, searching of any information that does not really bring positive results, running around different companies in a desperate search fro job, but in useful things - either aimed at growth and development: exercise, read professional literature, talk with people who work in the field of your interest, find new ideas, technologies, take control of cleanliness and comfort in your home - then you will start to grow. These daily exercises will workout for you, as for the athlete. And you can not even doubt - you will be observed and invited to the desired position, not because you just were very active in finding it, but because you will become a man who is worthy of the job.

I sincerely wish you success in your job search and your self-realization ;-)!

Опубликовано: 2010-12-05 15:03:08, отредактировано: 2014-01-16 22:44:45

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