Vladimir Zhukov's personal website

Vladimir Zhukov

Business, IT, personal development

The Cause and Effects of LifeThe Cause and Effects of Life

2010-12-18 00:26:50

What gift to choose for the new year?What gift to choose for the new year?

2010-12-17 00:20:01

Some favorite quotes — motivating publicationSome favorite quotes — motivating publication

2010-12-14 00:10:47

Create online store means open business without investments?Create online store means open business without investments?

2010-12-13 00:00:21

Knowledge and information — different conceptsKnowledge and information — different concepts

2010-12-11 23:48:13

How to distribute shares between shareholders in businessHow to distribute shares between shareholders in business

Information society — what is itInformation society — what is it

2010-12-09 18:30:19

On this subject, written many articles and even books, the term information society is used more and more frequently in publications, but all opinions are quite different from each other, and often contradictory.

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Self-realization and building relationshipsSelf-realization and building relationships

2010-12-08 17:34:17

After analyzing the traffic of my blog, I realized that the topic of relationships and its right building is very relevant to many readers. In my previous article "Harmony is a pledge of successful relationships," I considered the problem of imbalance in life together and often arising problems in connection with these and their solutions.

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How much is an idea? The right answerHow much is an idea? The right answer

Many economists and analysts are bothered in the matter of the Ideas cost from the earliest times. And this question is really relevant, because there are ideas that literally chang the world and bring billions of dollars.

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Some thoughts about politicsSome thoughts about politics

2010-12-06 15:12:27

The other day I was thinking about politics, and found it rational to share my reflections about this topic with my readers.

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Welcome to Vladimir Zhukov personal website! My name is Vladimir Zhukov. I'm an IT entrepreneur, ideologist and person with an active lifestyle. On the Internet you can find a number of websites, the authorship of which is reserved for the following variants of my name: "Vladimir Zhukov", "Владимир Жуков" or "Жуков Владимир". These projects and startups are implemented by me personally, or in collaboration with other people.

How did Vladimir Zhukov hit the IT domain? All started from my school days, when I was studying in the computer class and began to write my first programs. The was a course on HTML. When I was studying it, I immediately understood that I like Internet technologyes and I wanted to get self-realization in this sphere. Further interests grew into a professional skills, and I began to earn first money creating programs and websites. Given the fact that I was studying at the university in the economic profession (Vladimir Zhukov graduated from Kharkov University of Humanities "People's Ukrainian Academy " specialty "Banking" ), most of my projects were formed at the junction of the technical and economic fields. Also, I have actively used the knowledge in the field of economics and marketing to better organization and promote their products to market .

Naturally, to this path has led me to the business, as well as to the mass of interesting and promising projects in which I have so or otherwise take part . Recently, I Sousa project " Art and Culture Vladimir Zhukov ," which discloses a variety of business secrets and answer questions from our readers on the conduct and organization of the business. Time does not stand still , projects are developed and brought to fruition . I hope that on my personal site you will find a lot of high-quality and useful articles that allow you to organize effective business as in IT, and beyond .

Sincerely, Vladimir Zhukov .